next day, which mean is yesterday. met chewshih at 12.15pm to go BBQ whole sales to buy satay, stingray and sotong. haiis. carrying heavy plastic bags walking around again, walking to buy plastic forks and spoon and net. two days of carrying heavy things liao. went to chewshih hus again. prepared everything for bbq thing. yesterday, we are late. we reach there about 6++. janli, shindy, wendy, jesslyn, steffi, justin, weidong, junwei, weiyeow were there waitin liao. went to bbq pit there set up liao went to meet jordan and salim. went to buy ices and water. thanks salim for helping me to take and also at night accompany me to walk to inter. thanks. yesterday, i think is the lastest time i went home. i left there at 11.30++. me, jordan, salim and justin took cab home. reach home at 12+++++. very late. no photo for yesterday.