Yeah! I'm back. I got prelim for tis whole week and i gotta hand in my 8 prep work by end of tis week. seriously it is damn tiring. How can we cope our studies and draw art at the same time. No time at all. Haiis, i will just try my best to finish it.
Sunday, stayed at home to do some art.
Erm.. Monday, went to sch for SS exam. After SS while waiting for puayhoon for her mother tongue, me and shindy went library and slack and also did my art. After chinese, we went home to get ourself change and met up at Tampines Mac to study, i mean practice our maths. Justin and Junwei came along. Around 7 plus, went for dinner at Century Square, den walk walk, Home!....
Today, Math papers were difficult, for me.^^ I left a lot of blank. After paper, went to get change and met them. We went to Blk 201 there de mac to study chemistry. He taught me, trying to explain to me and gave me his notes to study. I tried my very best to study but due to Someone, i can't concentrate. He kept talking and disturbing me. Wth. But i am happy. weehx. damn high now. kept recalling about just now. They went for tuition and i went home. I didn't manage to went home early cos tk dun allow me to go. He asked me to accompany so i do so lorhx. So i only manage to come home now. Still havent bathe and immediately sit in front of my com to blog. too happy liao. hahas.
got to go already. receive a msg from Ms Ng saying tat tmr gonna bring those 8 black boards and those pics we need to draw. I only done a few. I'm gonna chiong now. bye.
Happy memories created by Him today. I m very very very happy. Can He gives me more happy memories? Can i have him back to me again? I hope he's mine again.